Welcome To The Farm 

Welcome to the farm! We're located on just under 3 acres outside of Moxee, WA. An area also known for supplying 75% or more of the hops used in US beer production. Prior to our purchase of the farm it suffered a great deal of neglect. As such, we are now in a bit of a "rebuilding" process so to speak. Before we can do too much with the place we first have to pull most of the infrastructure back out and redo it. In the words of one of my favorite YouTube homesteaders, Al Lumnah, "Homesteading isn't a race, it's a journey, and it takes time." We remind ourselves of this daily (Me probably more-so than Lexy, she is much more of a go-with-the-flow type person). Also, make sure to check out the blog section to hear the story of how we came about buying this particular property!! -Adam and Lexy-